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Best Paper Awards at 10-ISICP International Propulsion Conference

Best Paper Awards at 10-ISICP International Propulsion Conference


Prof. Benveniste (Benny) Natan, Prof. Alon Gany, Dr. Victor Chernov, Dan Michaels (Ph.D. student), Yair Solomon (Ph.D. student), and Shani Sisi (M.Sc. student) of the Fine Rocket Propulsion Center participated and presented papers in the 10th International Symposium on Special Problems in Chemical Propulsion (10-ISICP), Poitiers, France, June 2-6, 2014.

The paper by Dan Michaels and Alon Gany, “Investigation of a Thruster Based on a Traveling Propellant Charge”, presented by Dan Michaels, won Best Paper Award.

Dan and Alon

The poster by Arza Hadad, Dan Grinstein and Benveniste Natan, “Time Dependent Combustion Modeling of Gel Fuel Droplets”, won Best Poster Award.

Arza and Benny

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