

In the Aeroelasticity Lab, we study topics related to modeling, analysis, design, testing, and data analysis of aeroelastic systems, including wing configurations at transonic flows and very flexible wings that undergo large deformations. We perform high-fidelity CFD-CSD simulations of wings at nonlinear flow conditions that lead to unique aeroelastic responses, develop computational models to predict structural dynamics and aeroelastic responses and validate them with experimental data from our wind tunnel and from collaborations with colleague aeroelasticity labs.

Research Topics

Computational Studies

  • Transonic shock buffet and the aeroelastic response
  • Reduced order modeling of transonic aerodynamics and aeroelasticity
  • Aero-thermo-elasticity of fundamental configurations
  • Nonlinear structural and aeroelastic modeling of very flexible configurations
  • Coupled flight-dynamics aeroelasticity of very flexible configurations
  • Design and analysis of flexible missile configurations

Experimental Studies

  • Aeroelastic characterization using fiber-optics strain data
  • Experimental flutter prediction
  • Experimental study of very flexible wing configurations
  • Trim optimization
Featured Research Topics
Transonic shock-buffet and aeroelastic instability at buffet conditions
Transonic shock-buffet and aeroelastic instability at buffet conditions
Pazy wing - An aeroelastic benchmark of a very flexible wing
Pazy wing - An aeroelastic benchmark of a very flexible wing
The Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Testbed (A3TB)
The Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Testbed (A3TB)
A3TB wind tunnel flutter test
A3TB wind tunnel flutter test
Fiber-optics strain sensors (FOSS) for aeroelastic characterization
Fiber-optics strain sensors (FOSS) for aeroelastic characterization