Wind tunnel test of the A3TB wing – flutter prediction by fiber-optics strain data

Wind tunnel test of the A3TB wing – flutter prediction by fiber-optics strain data

The A3TB clamped half-span full-size wing was tested at the University of Michigan wind tunnel, in collaboration with the Active Aeroelasticity and Structures Research Lab, in a study of flutter prediction using different novel techniques and measurement devices. Accelerations and strain data in optical fibers were recorded at several safe airspeeds, in response to free turbulence and flap excitation, and were used for flutter prediction. The 3D-printed A3TB wing parts were assembled at UMich, the wing was equipped with various sensors and tested in ground vibration tests and in the wind tunnel – all within the course of one week. The data collected is still being analyzed :).

Watch the A3TB wing in the University of Michigan wind tunnel, responding to control-surface frequency sweep




Tsoof Joels, Tomer Ben-Asher

Collaborators / Alums

Bilal Sharqi, Professor Carlos Cesnik, Professor Moti Karpel

Conference Papers