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גיל יוסילבסקי

סגן דיקן למחקר

נתונים ביוגרפיים

תואר ראשון: טכניון, 1980; תואר שני: טכניון, 1984; תואר שלישי: טכניון, 1989.

תחומי מחקר עיקריים

אווירודינמיקה של גופים וכנפיים בתנועה לא תמידית; תורות כנף אסימפטוטיות; מכאניקת הטיס; דינמיקת מסוקים; מכאניקת זורמים ותהליכי הסעה; אווירו-הידרו-דינאמיקה של בעלי חיים.

פרסומים נבחרים

  • Iosilevskii G. and Levy Y., “Experimental and numerical study of cyclogiro aerodynamics,” AIAA Journal 44 (12), 2006, pp. 2866-2870,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Control with trim tabs and history-dependent aerodynamic forces,” Journal of Fluids and Structures 23 (3), 2007, pp. 365-389,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Asymptotic theory of an oscillating wing section in weak ground effect,” European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 27(4), 2008, pp. 477-490, j.euromechflu.2007.08.005
  • Iosilevskii G. and Weihs D., “Hydrodynamics of sailing of the Portuguese man-of-war Physalia physalis,” Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6 (36), 2009, pp. 613-626,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Longitudinal waves in a submerged cylindrical rod,” Journal of Applied Mechanics 78 (2), 2011,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Aerodynamics of permeable membrane wings,” European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 30, 2011, pp 534–542,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Indicial functions in weak ground effect,” European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 33, 2012, pp. 40–57,
  • Iosilevskii G. and Joel D., “Aerodynamic trapping effect and its implications for capture of flying insects by carnivorous pitcher plants,” European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 38, 2013, pp. 65–72, http://
  • Iosilevskii G., “Aerodynamics of permeable membrane wings. Part 2: seepage drag,” European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 39, 2013, pp. 32–41,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Hydrodynamics of the undulatory swimming gait of batoid fishes,” European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 45, 2014, pp. 12–19,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Forward flight of birds revisited. Part 1: Aerodynamics and performance,” Royal Society Open Science 1(2), 2014.
  • Iosilevskii G., “Forward flight of birds revisited. Part 2: Short-term dynamic stability and trim,” Royal Society Open Science 1(2), 2014.
  • Payne N.L., Iosilevskii G., Barnett A., Fischer C., Graham R.T., Gleiss A.C., and Watanabe Y.Y., “Great hammerhead sharks swim on their side to reduce transport costs,” Nature Communications 7:12289, 2016,
  • Iosilevskii G., “Hydrodynamics of a flexible soft-rayed caudal fin,” PLoS one 11(10): e0163517, 2016,
  • Iosilevskii G. and Papastamatiou Y.P., “Relations between morphology, buoyancy and energetics of requiem sharks,” Royal Society Open Science 3: 160408, 2016,
  • Iosilevskii G., “The undulatory swimming gait of elongated swimmers revisited,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 12:036005, 2017,
  • Papastamatiou Y.P., Iosilevskii G., Leos-Barajas V., Brooks E.J., Howey L.A., Chapman D.D., and Watanabe Y.Y., “Optimal swimming performance and behavioral plasticity of oceanic whitetip sharks,” Scientific Reports 8: 551, 2018,
  • Halsey L. and Iosilevskii G., “The energetics of ‘airtime’: estimating maximal swim power from breaching behaviour in fishes and cetaceans,” Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.216036, 2019,
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