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SAMSON 2012-2013 Student Project

SAMSON 2012-2013 Student Project

  • A. Barda, D. Brack, Z. Dvorkin, E. Farhi, D. Kariv, J. Koretsky, I. Mizrahi, H. Ricardo, J. J. Szyfer, E. Vaknin
  • Jacob Herscovitz
SAMSON 2012-2013 Student Project

SAMSON– Space Autonomous Mission for Swarming and Geolocation with Nanosatellites is a satellite mission led by the Technion, supported by the Israeli space industries and integrated with student teams.
The SAMSON mission will include a cluster of three nano-satellites, based on the CubeSat standard. The mission is set to launch at 2015, and is planned for at least one year in low earth orbit (LEO).
SAMSON project has two main goals –
1. Demonstrate long-term autonomous cluster flight of multiple satellites.
2. Determine the position of cooperative terrestrial emitter (geolocation).
The 2012-2013 SAMSON Student Project consisted of 4th year Aerospace students from the Technion. The students took part in engineering, designing and analyzing several of the satellite's sub-systems. The student group, comprised of three teams, worked with mentors from the Technion and industries on the different sub-systems –
1. Geolocation algorithm.
2. Full system simulation.
3. Propulsion system alternatives.

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