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The Grey Owl system is on its way

The Grey Owl system is on its way



The system will include an unmanned flying vehicle with an autonomous flying capability, equipped with stabilized cameras for ground target recognition that includes identifying the target’s type and exact location, a picture processing computer, a communication system for controlling the flight and picture transfer, a payload that can be released in order to directly hit a ground target, and a ground-based command station with a communication system for following the autonomous flight and collecting and processing the target pictures. Simply put, it is a comprehensive system that simulates a real combat system. A group of nine students from the Aerospace Faculty in the Technion, reinforced by five students from the Computer Science Faculty, under the guidance of Mr. Dror Artzi, a senior adjunct lecturer in the Aerospace Faculty, is developing this year an autonomous flying system for observation and target recognition. The assignment the students undertook is a tough challenge, in fact it is tight-scheduled and not an easy task even for an industry experienced in the unmanned flying vehicles field.

The system is being developed by the students as part of their annual final project for their Bachelor degree, and it will participate in an annual competition organized by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI).

Dror Artzi, project supervisor

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