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Pulse Detonation Igniter for Ramjet Application

Pulse Detonation Igniter for Ramjet Application

Monday 17/06/2024
  • Hertzel Kadosh
  • Work towards PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Dan Michaels, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Classroom 165, ground floor, Library, Aerospace Eng.
  • click here
  • Department of Aerospace Engineering
  • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • The talk will be given in English

A pulse detonation engine (PDE) burns fuel and oxidizer using detonation waves. This study focuses on utilizing a PDE as an ignition system for ramjet or scramjet engines using liquid hydrocarbon fuels, which are known for their challenging conditions for ignition and combustion. Unlike traditional deflagration-based gas generators, in detonation engines, the combustion products are expelled behind a strong shock wave, which has significant benefits for ignition. It increases the temperature and pressure of the fuel-air mixture and enhances mixing with the combustion products of the igniter.
Tests were carried out on a PDE with liquid ethanol or acetone and oxygen. The impact of the engine diameter, length, and internal geometry on the detonation development was studied. Detonation cell size measurements have shown that the acetone-oxygen mixture has a relatively small cell size, indicating that it is more detonable and less limiting.
The ignition of dodecane spray and air mixture with a pulse detonation igniter (PDI), operating with acetone and oxygen, was investigated. Experiments were conducted in a channel with fuel spray injection and heated air, and the PDI was applied at different locations. The PDI diameter was sub-critical, leading to the decoupling of the detonation at the tube exit and a flame expelling behind the spherical shock wave. The PDI exhibits remarkable ignition and flame spreading at temperatures of 400 K and above. The conditions at which the decoupled detonation wave at the PDI exit sustains as a fast deflagration (of 150-300 m/s) were identified and provide guidance for the use of PDI in propulsion systems.

Work towards PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Dan Michaels, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Light refreshments will be served before the lecture
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