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Fluidic shaping of optical components – from eyeglasses to giant space telescopes

Fluidic shaping of optical components – from eyeglasses to giant space telescopes

Wednesday 06/03/2024
  • Prof. Moran Bercovici
  • Guest seminar
  • Auditorium 235, Second floor, Aerospace Eng.
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • The talk will be given in English

The lecture will focus on a novel method we developed, in which surface tension is leveraged to shape a volume of liquid into a useful optical component under microgravity conditions.  In the first part of the talk I will show how we simulate microgravity conditions in the lab, and the potential applications of the technology on Earth.  In the second part I will discuss our collaboration with NASA to create liquid-based giant space telescopes that overcome launch constraints. I will present our microgravity experiments in parabolic flights, and the experiments we conducted on board the International Space Station.

Moran Bercovici

Light refreshments will be served before the lecture
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