b. U.S.S.R. 1944. B.Sc., Technion, 1966. M.Sc., Technion, 1971. D.Sc., Technion, 1975. 1966-67 Avions Marcel Dassault, Paris, France. 1976-77, Cambridge University, England. 1977-78 Harvard University, U.S.A. 1982-83, 1986-87, 1992 and 1999 Cambridge University, England. Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, 1999. At Technion since 1970. Professor since 1991. Head, Technion Center for Promotion of Teaching, 1994-1998. Sydney Goldstein Chair in Aeronautical Engineering. Chairman, Board of Directors, L.N. Entrepreneur Incubator.
Biographical Data
Main areas of research
Mechanics (strength, behavior and stability) of aerospace structures. Theory of plasticity and metal forming processes. Continuum mechanics and mathematical rheology of finite deformations. Sintered powder materials and porous solids