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Faculty Awards

Faculty Awards

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering has a long tradition of recognizing excellence and innovation through appreciation awards. The awards are presented in recognition of the hard work, dedication, and achievements of both students and faculty members in the faculty. In addition, the awards commemorate a long line of individuals who, each in their way, have an affinity for the field of Aerospace Engineering.

The awards in the faculty are presented at a distinguished annual ceremony. They are given after carefully selecting the winners according to criteria of academic and research achievements, as well as according to standards set by the donors of the awards.

The Moshe and Sarah Rubin and Zeev and Naomi von Wiesel Award

The award is given annually to students in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion and was donated by Eliana and Uzi Rubin in memory of their parents.

Award Description:
The award is named after Moshe and Sarah Rubin and Zeev and Naomi von Wiesel ($1,000).
The award is given for outstanding research work on the subject of propulsion. The award is presented by Ms. Eliana and Mr. Uzi Rubin

Award candidate profile:
Undergraduate students and  Graduate students

Submission requirements:

  • Resume summary
  • Outstanding work with priority on the subject of propulsion.
  • Two recommendations
  • Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025


Call for Nominations – Rubin Award 2025

Application form

The Prof. Arnan Seginer Award for Excellence in Research

Arnan Seginer grew, flourished, developed, and worked chiefly within the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion. He was among its third class and graduated with honors from the bachelor’s degree in 1960. He was among the first to receive a doctorate from the faculty in 1968. In 1985, he was awarded the rank of full professor, and in 1990, he was awarded the Sanford Kaplan Chair in Aeronautical and Space Engineering.


Prof. Arnan Seginer Award for excellence in research. the award is presented by Ora, Osnat and Vered Seginer (5,000 NIS). Anonymous donor (3,000 NIS) through the Seginer family. Dr. Idi Sussman ($500) through the Seginer family

Award candidate profile:
Undergraduate students. (In exceptional cases to Master’s degree students).

Submission requirements:

  • Summary report of the work submitted as part of the course “Research/Experimental Project”
  • Letter of recommendation from the project supervisor.

Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025

Call for Nominations  – Seginer Award 2025

Application form

The Ilan Sternberg Award


The donors, Ms. Shoshana Sternberg and Prof. Dalia Atlas established a perpetual fund at the Technion to commemorate Ilan Sternberg, who was a gifted child, a fan of classical music and piano playing, and showed a great interest in aircraft design.

Award Description:
The award is intended for outstanding students or faculty members in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering who integrate playing the piano or another musical instrument with a preference for classical music into their studies/research.

Award candidate profile:
Students in all degrees / faculty members

Submission requirements:

  • Resume summary
  • Brief description of musical practice
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Grade sheet (for students)
  • Research paper (if any) and/or documentation of an innovative invention

Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025

Call for Nominations – The Ilan Sternberg Award 2025

Application form



Dr. Aryeh Hillel Award (1922-1999)

Dr. Aryeh Hillel, who passed away on December 27, 1999, dedicated his entire professional life to developing military aviation and the defense industry in Israel.

His interest in aviation had already begun when he was a young boy. While studying at the Herzliya Gymnasium in Tel Aviv, he participated in the activities of the Aviation Club. At the end of World War II, he moved to Britain to study aeronautical engineering and mechanical engineering at the University of London (Bradford). In 1949, After completing his studies, he returned to Israel and was drafted into the Air Force as an officer with the rank of lieutenant. He joined the Air Force’s Engineering Department and worked there as a planning engineer until 1954.

In 1954, he moved to Britain again and completed his engineering studies for a master’s degree, at Cranfield Aeronautical College. Upon his return to Israel in 1956, he served as a senior engineer in the Aeronautical High School branch in the Equipment Department (4th Air Force). In 1958, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and appointed head of the 4th Air Force branch. He held this position until early July 1962, when he was promoted to the position of head of the Air Force Equipment Department (4th Air Force) with the rank of lieutenant colonel. In this position, chief engineer in the Air Force, he served until early February 1967 – a few months before the outbreak of the Six-Day War.
From the early 1980s, Dr. Aryeh Hillel mainly consulted for American companies in aviation and advanced technologies.

To commemorate Dr. Aryeh Hillel, his widow and children established a scholarship fund, annually awarding study grants to two outstanding students in the Faculty of Aerospace

Award description:
Awards for academic excellence in the name of the late Dr. Aryeh Hillel (1922-1999). The award is presented by his children, Tzachi Hillel and Orly Goldwasser.

Award candidate profile:
Undergraduate and Graduate students

Submission requirements:

  • Undergraduate students: CV summary and transcript\
  • Postgraduate students: CV summary, transcript and 3 letters of recommendation

Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025

Call for Nominations – Hillel Award

Application form

Prof. Meir Hanin Awards (1923-1999)

Prof. Meir Hanin is one of the founding fathers of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

Prof. Hanin, born in Poland, arrived in Israel at the “last minute”, immediately after the outbreak of World War II in 1940, and began his university studies in mathematics-physics at the Hebrew University. In 1948, he completed his postgraduate studies for a master’s degree in mathematics-physics and joined the ranks of the Hamad of the early days of the state, the Raphael of today. Upon accepting his job at the Hamad, and after returning from his studies at Cornell University in the USA, he completed his doctoral thesis, the first at the Technion in the field of aeronautics, under the supervision of Prof. Sidney Goldstein, one of the founders of the Faculty of Aeronautics at the Technion. Upon completing his studies in 1955, he joined the Technion’s Department of Aeronautics as a faculty member and later served as the faculty’s dean.

Prof. Hanin was an excellent teacher and well-liked by the students, contributing significantly to shaping the tradition of a high and unique level of study within the framework of graduate studies. He was a sought-after supervisor; many master’s and doctoral students completed their studies under his supervision.

Meir Hanin International Prize (2025)
The Faculty of Aeronautics and Space Engineering at the Technion announces the Meir Hanin International Prize for Aeronautics and Space in the amount of 10,000 US dollars from the Hanin Foundation, in memory of the late Prof. Meir Hanin, who was a prominent scientist in the field of theoretical aerodynamics and a member of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

The prize is awarded every two years for significant scientific and/or technological achievements in the aerospace sciences.

Award Candidate Profile:
Candidates from any country, regardless of religion, race, gender, or nationality, must have some connection to the Technion and may only be nominated by the following: Technion faculty members, past Henin Prize winners, members of the Israel National Academy of Sciences and Arts, presidents and board members of institutes of higher education, and CEOs of companies specializing in aerospace products.

Submission Requirements:
Nominations, along with all relevant supporting material (CV, summary of significant contributions, and letter of support for the nomination), should be addressed to Prof. Daniela Raveh, Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel (
The award will be presented at a faculty ceremony, at which the winner is expected to attend in person and give two public lectures at the Technion.

Call for Nominations for the Hanin Award will be available during September 2025


Meir Hanin Prize (2025)
In the following year, in which the Meir Hanin International Prize will not be awarded, the Hanin Foundation, upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty, will award two scholarships to young researchers, one of $3,000 to a young faculty member and one of $2,000 to a doctoral student.

Award candidate profile: A young and promising faculty member or PhD student

Submission requirements: The proposal should include a CV and list of publications, a concise description of the research, and two letters of recommendation.
PhD students are also asked to submit a transcript of grades.

Call for Nominations for the Hanin Award will be available during September 2025

Application form


Prof. Amer Yosef Shinar  (1932-2015) and Dvora Shinar  (1932-2022) Award

After immigrating to Israel in 1949, Prof. Shinar served as a navigator in the Israeli Air Force from 1950-1955. In 1955, he began his studies in the second class of the Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering at the Technion, where he graduated with honors in 1959.

In 1973, after significant military service and returning from a mission as the Military-Scientific Attaché at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., USA, he received his doctorate from the Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering at the Technion. He then joined the faculty as a lecturer, and in 1983 he was promoted to full professor. In 1993, Prof. Shinar was awarded the Max and Lottie Drescher Chair in Aerospace Performance and Propulsion for his scientific and engineering achievements. In 1990-1992, he served as Dean of the Faculty and was active in various committees at the Technion and in the faculty.

Description of the award:
The annual Excellence Award in the name of Prof. Emeritus Yosef Shinar and Deborah Shinar, will be awarded to an advanced degree student in the Faculty of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, who has demonstrated excellence in the past academic year.

Award candidate profile: Graduate studies students

Application requirements:

  • Recommendation letter from the supervisor
  • CV
  • The award is conditional on the publication of an article

Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025

Call for Nominations – Shinar Award

Application form

Professor Emeritus Shmuel Merhav Award (1924-2001)

Professor Merhav was among the second generation of builders and designers of the image of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion.

Shmuel Merhav joined the faculty in 1971, after 23 years of national security service, between 1948 and 1971, as a research engineer, as the director of research and development and as the head of a division at the Rafael. Upon joining, he added a new dimension to the faculty, the field of guidance, navigation, and control, which became a central and dominant field in teaching and research at the faculty. It is currently one of the leading topics in the aerospace industries in Israel and around the world. In fact, Shmuel Merhav had been involved in teaching at the Technion since 1959 as an adjunct professor at the Technion, in the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Aeronautics, and has since been involved as a consultant and led the establishment of the new area in the faculty.

Shmuel MerhavDescription of the award:
The award in the name of Professor Shmuel and Naomi Merhav, the late is awarded to a student in advanced studies (master’s or doctoral studies) for excellence in studies and research in aeronautical and aerospace engineering. Award of 6,000 NIS

Award candidate profile: Graduate students

Submission requirements:

  • CV and list of publications
  • Printout of graduate school grades
  • Letter of recommendation from supervisor
  • Evidence of excellence in research, such as: an article accepted or submitted for publication at a scientific conference or in a scientific journal.

Additional supporting material may be attached, such as letters of recommendation from additional faculty members who are familiar with the candidate and their work, but are not involved in it.

Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025

Call for Nominations – Merhav Prize 2025

Application form

The late Prof. Yaakov Timnat Prize (1923-2002)

Yaakov TimnatProf. Yaakov Timnat, born in 1923, studied mathematics (Bachelor’s and MSc) at the Hebrew University. In 1951, he joined the Research and Planning Department of the Ministry of Defense and later Rafael. He worked in the fields of combustion, detonation, and rocket propulsion. In 1959, he received his Ph.D. in physics on the subject of “shock waves and detonation” and began to intensively engage in building a scientific career.

In 1963, he was appointed as a lecturer at the Technion. After two years, he became a faculty member and senior lecturer in the Faculty of Aeronautics and established the Propulsion and Combustion Laboratory. From 1970 to 1971, he served as dean and head of the Aeronautical Research Center.

Description of the award:
Prof. Yaakov Timnat Excellence Award. The award of $750 will be awarded to a graduate student in the faculty and is intended to finance his participation in an international conference where his work or part of it was accepted for presentation.

Profile of award candidates: Graduate students

  • Application requirements:
  • Priority will be given to a candidate conducting research in the field of space propulsion
  • Faculty seminar

Each proposal must include information about the conference, the status of the work in terms of acceptance for presentation at the conference, a printout of the work, a CV, and the recommendation of the supervisor (or supervisors).

Deadline for submission: 13/03/2025

Call for Nominations – Timnat Prize 2025

Application form

The Niv-Ya Hadas Durban Prize

Mrs. Rachel and Prof. Emeritus David Durban donated the Niv-Ya Hadas Durban Prize.

The aim of the prize is to encourage and support engineers and researchers in the IDF who present their work at the annual Israeli Aeronautical Conference for Aviation Sciences (IACAS). Candidates for the award will be a team of authors whose work was accepted for the annual conference, at least half of whom are soldiers. The Niv-Ya Durban Prize commemorates his creative spirit and engineering contributions during his military service. We see the prize as an expression of appreciation for Niv-Ya’s wonderful years in the aeronautical high school branch and for the support we received from his friends and commanders in the Air Force.

Award Candidate Profile: Graduate Students

Application Requirements: Recipients of the Niv-Ya Durban Award will be authors or co-authors of a paper accepted for presentation at the annual Israeli Aerospace Sciences Conference and who served as soldiers in regular or permanent service at the time of submission of the paper to the conference.

Application form


The Jacob Glezer (1970-2007) Award

Jacob (Yakov) Glezer Born October 19, 1970 – Died at the age of 36 on October 03, 2007

From his early childhood, Jacob had an extraordinary ability to bring people together and make them feel good about themselves. This became the fate of his life within the family, among friends and co-workers or even among strangers.

In 1980, at the age of 9, Jacob Glezer emigrated with a family of 8, including his parents, his brother Eli and four grandparents, from Moscow to the United States. The brothers were always very close, being the focus of the whole family. Jacob graduated from high school in San Diego and was accepted to study for a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley and received a Drake Scholarship. After graduating from Berkeley, he was hired as a field engineer by a large international company, Solar Turbines Inc. In a short time, Jacob was promoted to the position of group leader and then manager of a large department responsible for the Northwest European market.

Within a few months, he had managed to transform a nearly dysfunctional department with poor interpersonal relationships into a highly successful operation with a radically healthier work atmosphere. Within a short period of time, he had earned an MBA. He was admired by everyone in his organization, regardless of their age, with most of his subordinates being much older than Jacob. From that moment on, the management of Solar Turbines began to groom Jacob for a much more senior future role in the company.

But his main passion was his family: his wife Judith, his children Simon, Celia and Sophie, his brother, his parents and grandparents. Despite being very busy with work, Jacob somehow managed to give a lot of time and love to all his family members. He would arrive terribly tired, sit at the piano or take a guitar, and within minutes the space around him would light up and even his elderly, sick grandparents would start smiling. Throughout his life, he had a huge sincere need and ability to make friends with whom he always maintained close contact. There were over 500 people at his funeral, and everyone felt like they had lost their best friend.

Award Description:
The Jacob Glezer Scholarship in Turbomachinery. The grant was established at the Technion by the Glezer family in memory of Jacob (Yaakov) Glezer.
The grant is intended for students who will specialize in the field of aeronautical propulsion and the land/marine use of gas turbine engines for industry and/or academia in Israel.

Donor – Dr. Boris Glezer. $5,000 per recipient. The scholarships are intended for third and fourth year undergraduate students who are committed to studying turbomachinery-related disciplines and are selected on the basis of merit and an interview by the selection committee headed by Prof. Beni Cukurel.

Award candidate profile: Undergraduate students

Application requirements:
Applicants to the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering must complete their studies in the Turbojet Propulsion course (#084401). Applicants to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering must complete their studies in the course # 034210 – Turbomachinery 1. During the two semesters of the first year, scholarship recipients are required to take at least six courses, at least one from the other faculty. Outstanding students (average grade of 90% or higher) may be exempted from the cross-faculty course requirement.

Application deadline: Please check with Prof. Benny Cukurl, Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering

Call for Applications – Glazer Award

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