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Guidelines for Writing Graduate Study Research Proposals

Guidelines for Writing Graduate Study Research Proposals

Graduate studies candidates are required to submit a research proposal outlining their research topic and plan.  It is expected that students prepare this proposal in close coordination with their advisor.

Research proposals must follow the Aerospace research proposal template.  Templates are available in both MS Word format and LaTeX format (available also on Overleaf).

Graduate-Studies-Resources-and-Safety-Form Graduate-Studies-Resources-and-Safety-Form  Research Proposal Template (MSWord and LaTeX)

 MSc Additional Requirements

The  Research proposal towards M.Sc. form (filled and signed by both student and supervisor*) should be attached to the research proposal.

Two weeks prior to the research proposal deadline, all of the required documents should be emailed (in PDF format) to the Aerospace Graduate Studies Office and uploaded to the portal.  Following approval by the faculty’s graduate studies committee, it will be forwarded to the Technion Graduate School.

PhD Candidates

Students applying for admission to the PhD program must submit a 1-2 page research statement. This statement should summarize your research accomplishments and describe your research interests.

* In the event that the appointment of a co-supervisor or a consultant is suggested, please specify the field of expertise of each supervisor/consultant, and how this field is related to the research subject and completes the main supervisor’s field of expertise. In addition, if the co-supervisor/consultant does not have a Technion appointment, their CV should be submitted along with the research proposal.

Research proposal submitted with a request for transition to Ph.D. studies in a direct track

Scope: As long as is required to include all the details listed hereunder (a typical proposal contains up to 5 pages).

Structure: The research proposal shall begin with the title of the research in Hebrew and English, the name of the student and his student number, the names of all the supervisors and consultants with specification of their roles (main supervisor, co-supervisor*, consultant), and it should be divided into two main parts: (1) A brief summary of the work towards a Master’s degree carried out so far. If a paper was written on the research, it can be attached in lieu of part of the brief summary. (2) The research program towards a Ph.D. degree, with an emphasis on the unique nature of the study and an adaptation of it to the Ph.D. framework. The proposed research methods in the expanded research are to be specified. The second part should also include a compelling justification for the transition to the Ph.D. program (typically the transition is appropriate in terms of the subject, if there was significant progress in the research in a relatively short time, and the subject has potential for expansion to a doctorate).

Research proposal towards the Ph.D. candidacy examination
(“a brief description”)

Scope: ~25 pages (this number is taken from Technion’s regulations).

Structure: The research proposal shall begin with the title of the research in Hebrew and in English, the name of the student and his student number, and the names of all the supervisors and consultants with specifications of their roles (main supervisor, co-supervisor, consultant). It will include an abstract, a review of the research background (including a literature review), the goals of the research and an emphasis on the unique nature of the study, specification of the research methods and initial results that can be limited. In case of transition from a Master’s degree via a direct track, the description shall include (instead of the section “preliminary results”) a summary of the research study conducted up to that point.

The Research proposal towards Ph.D. form (filled and signed by both student and supervisor) should be attached to the research proposal.

All of the above should be submitted to the Graduate Studies Office and uploaded to the portal. Following approval by the faculty’s graduate studies committee, it will be forwarded to the Graduate School.

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Phone: (04) 829-3365

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