Different tracks and requirements for Ph.D. program
The doctoral program is designed to train students to conduct independent scientific research. The work should significantly promote knowledge and understanding of the area being researched, and should be suitable for publication in an internationally recognized scientific journal. Most of the Ph.D. student’s time will be dedicated to research. However, students are expected to take part in professional seminars, attend advanced courses and broaden their professional knowledge, both through independent study and by studying graduate-level subjects. A Ph.D. student will generally be required to formally complete at least 9 credits (see Graduate School regulations 33-37).
Check the available Ph.D. positions |
Important dates during studying (registration, cancellations, requests for vacation etc.)
Instructions on writing a research proposal for advanced degrees
Instructions on writing and the form of a final thesis/dissertation
Contact us:
Phone: (04) 829-3365
E-mail: grad@ae.technion.ac.il