Bachelor degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science (2002), PhD in Aerospace Engineering (direct track, 2012); all degrees awarded by the Technion. Postdoctoral research associate in the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM), Georgia Institute of Technology (2012-2014). Research and algorithm development in Rafael ltd., Israel (2001-2002, 2004-2007, 2011). Awards: Merhav award for best PhD thesis (2013), Hanin award for excellence in research (2010), Ilan Ramon excellence fellowship (2009), best teaching assistant award (2008), president excellence honor awards (1999-2002).
Biographical Data
Main areas of research
The Autonomous Navigation and Perception Lab (ANPL) performs research related to single and multi-robot autonomous perception, navigation and planning under uncertainty in the context of mobile robotics. Research in the lab is highly multidisciplinary, involving both fundamental theoretical studies and experimental verification.
Specific research directions include:
- Planning under uncertainty and AI
- Semantic perception and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
- Multi robot systems
Visit the website of the Autonomous Navigation and Perception Lab (ANPL), to learn about our research projects, publications, open positions, and teaching activities!