Electric aircraft: D2R –Dreams to Reality
- O. Saar, T. Meir, Y. Geras, M. Rosenheim, L. Matzkevitz, S. Gros, D. Kamoun, I. Stepanova, A. Granot
- Shlomo Tsach

Today the flight industry contributes 2% of the world’s carbon emissions. Till 2050 it is expected to get up to 3%. This paper presents the solution for the problem – the design of a 50 passengers electrical motorized aircraft – D2R. Creating a new innovative, multi discipline and feasible design. In order to overcome propulsion challenges, such as an energy source with a sufficient energy density, it introduces a solution of Li-Air batteries and super conducting materials. As the aircraft weight can not be predicted with a sufficient certainty due to unfamiliar power and propulsion systems, the aircraft was designed to have 95% of its body structure made of composite materials, which shows high performances in many aspects. D2R is a regional aircraft design which can get up to 1000nm range because of a higher than average aspect ratio. The combination of electrical propulsion and aviation is not simple, but possible and should be on the flight industry’s agenda.