The foundation of the Technion Wind Tunnel Complex in the department of Aerospace Engineering was set up already during the sixties. The uniqueness of the complex lies in the almost complete coverage of the relevant Mach number range for aerodynamic research. It consists of four tunnels: two in the incompressible subsonic range (M<0.3), one in the compressible transonic range (0.35<M<1.1), and one in the compressible supersonic range (1.6<M<3.5).
In addition, the complex includes the Turbulence Laboratory, the water-tunnel facility, and a transonic jet. While numerous incompressible subsonic wind tunnels can be found in the academic environment, the Technion is one of few universities in the world with such facilities. The wind tunnels are used for aerodynamic experimental research carried out by faculty members, graduate students, and joint projects with the Industry as well as for teaching undergraduate laboratory courses.
The instrumentation includes: Balances, manufactured in-house, for measuring forces and moments, a Schlieren system for visualization of flow where density gradients exist, a Hot wire anemometer, and dynamic pressure transducers for high-rate measurement of velocity and pressure, respectively, at a point and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for measurement of a velocity field in a plane.
The Wind Tunnel Complex is headed by Prof. Gil Iosilevskii