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Robotics and AI

Robotics and AI

The next generation of aerial vehicles and spacecraft are expected to perform increasingly advanced tasks and exhibit enhanced autonomy, robustness, and resilience to uncertainty, changing environments, and conditions.

By leveraging AI techniques, researchers and engineers at the Department of Aerospace Engineering develop these and additional capabilities for advanced and reliable autonomy of airborne and space single- and multi-platform systems. As AI continues to evolve, its integration into aerospace engineering is expected to revolutionize and reshape the field in the coming years. Our research in Robotics and AI focuses on the core fields of AI with application to Aerospace Engineering, with multiple opportunities to grow and expand further.

Key research areas include:

  • Autonomous perception and machine learning
  • Probabilistic inference
  • Emerging knowledge representation and sensing
  • Planning under uncertainty
  • Safe AI
  • Multiagent systems

Graduate Research Opportunities

We are looking for gifted and enthusiastic researchers to join the labs. If you are interested in exploring new ideas and pushing the boundaries of current Robotics and AI research, we invite you to look at our open research positions page. Click here to explore various research topics in top niche specialization areas.

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