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Thermo Fluids and Interfaces Laboratory

Thermo Fluids and Interfaces Laboratory

The Thermo Fluids and Interface Lab is an experimental and theoretical research group headed by Asst. Prof. Alexandros Terzis.

The Research

The Lab’s research focuses on engineering thermo-fluids and the physics of transport phenomena across scales, emphasizing energy conversion and propulsion systems. In particular, the lab team headed by Asst. Prof. Terzis studies how fluid, heat, and mass transfer are coupled in the vicinity of interfaces and explores these interplay with novel surfaces and materials. To achieve this, they design and conduct experiments that reveal the fundamental dynamics of a vast array of interface-driven processes in multi-phase media and on multiple time- and length scales. In addition, The Thermo Fluids and Interface Lab develops and employs a variety of optical flow diagnostics and thermophysical measurement techniques coupled with theoretical and numerical approaches.

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Fully-funded MSc/PhD Positions

The Thermo Fluids and Interface Lab always looks for motivated MSc/PhD students to join the lab. Please direct your inquiries to


Humboldt Research Fellowships

Alexandros Terzis belongs to the Alexander von Humboldt Alumni Network and our lab can be an academic host for the prestigious Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship. The fellowship supports post-doctoral and experienced researchers from Germany to conduct research abroad for a period of 6 to 24 months. Top candidates from Germany who wish to pursue an academic career are strongly encouraged to apply. For further info, please e-mail directly to

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