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Daniella Raveh



Beni Cukurel

Associate Professor

Yuval Dagan

Assistant Professor

Pavel Galich

Assistant Professor

Dan Givoli


Igal Gluzman

Assistant Professor

Pini Gurfil

Vice Dean

Moshe Idan

Associate Professor

Vadim Indelman

Associate Professor
Vice Dean for Teaching

Gil Iosilevskii

Vice Dean for Research

Ian Jacobi

Associate Professor

Michael Karp

Assistant Professor

Joseph Lefkowitz

Associate Professor

Avshalom Manela

Associate Professor

Ameer Marzok

Assistant Professor

Dan Michaels

Associate Professor
Undergraduate Studies Coordinator

Vitaly Shaferman

Associate Professor
Assistant Dean for External Relations and Candidates Encouragement

Tal Shima


Alexandros Terzis

Assistant Professor

Daniel Zelazo

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies

Visiting Faculty

Alexander Batkhin

Visiting Assoc. Professor

Vladimir Martinusi

Senior Visiting Lecturer

Professors Emeriti

Jacob (Yaacov) Cohen

Professor Emeritus

David Durban

Professor Emeritus

Itzchak Frankel

Professor Emeritus

Alon Gany

Professor Emeritus

Barry Greenberg

Professor Emeritus

Moshe Guelman

Professor Emeritus

Moti Karpel

Professor Emeritus

Yeshayahou Levy

Professor Emeritus

Benveniste (Benny) Natan

Professor Emeritus

Yaakov Oshman

Professor Emeritus

Omri Rand

Professor Emeritus

Aviv Rosen

Professor Emeritus

Yoram Tambour

Professor Emeritus

Daniel Weihs

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Tanchum Weller

Professor Emeritus

Research Fellows

Hadar Ben-Gida

Research Fellow

Ronen Ben-Horin

Associate Research Fellow

Anna Clarke

Research Fellow

Oded Golan

Full Research Fellow

Jacob Herscovitz

Associate Research Fellow

Yuval Levy

Associate Research Fellow

Shaul Niv Eliahou

Full Research Fellow

David Yanuka

Research Fellow

Retired Faculty

Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor
Retired Associate Professor

Adjunct Lecturers

Dror Artzi

Aeronautics 122

Yoav Baumgarten

David Diskin

Cao Donggang

Amir Eilam

Roman Gendelman

Jacob Herscovitz

Aeronautics 122

Yan Itovich

Isaac Kadushin

Aeronautics 122

Baruch Karp

Aeronautics, 122

Amiram Leitner

Oren Levy

David Mishne

Aeronautics 122

Gad Nachmoni

Tzvi Nadler

Wind Tunnel Lab

Yehuda Shafir

Eran Sher

Lady Davis, 761

Dmitry Shneiderman

Shlomo Spund

Ami Zango

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