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News Archive

Congratulations! Prof. Daniel Zelazo Promoted to Full Professor
Since joining the Technion in 2012, he has made significant contributions to research and teaching.
Assoc. Prof. Dan Michaels awarded the Klein Research Prize
The the 2024 Ray and Miriam Klein Research Prize for his outstanding research
Associate Professor  Beni Cukurel was elected as an ASME Fellow
A prestigious honor that highlights Assoc. Prof. Cukurel's exceptional contributions to the field of mechanical engineering.
Professor Emeritus Moti Karpel receives the 2025 AIAA Ashley Award
The AIAA Ashley Award for Aeroelasticity recognizes outstanding contributions to the understanding and application of aeroelastic phenomena.
Professor Emeritus Alon Gany receives the prestigious Wyld Propulsion Award.
The award is presented to recognize outstanding achievement in developing or applying rocket propulsion systems.
Faculty members awarded ISF grants
Prof. Dan Givoli and Assoc. Prof. Daniel Zelazo has been awarded Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grants.
New Faculty Announcement: Dr. Ameer Marzok, Assistant Professor
Dr. Marzok's research interests focus on computational solid mechanics, structural optimization, finite element methods (FEM, XFEM, and GFEM), nonlinear structural dynamics, and fracture mechanics.
2024 Summer Research Program
The faculty successfully hosted eight talented students for hands-on experience in planning and performing experimentations at selected laboratories.
A new laboratory for teaching space systems
Experience in the design and operation of satellite systems
Excellence Ceremony and Prizes Awarded to Faculty and Students
13 prestigious awards, 82 certificates honoring excellent students who are included on the dean’s or president’s lists, and six distinguished research-day awards
Assoc. Professor Vadim Indelman receives the Uzi & Michal Halevy Award and Grant for Innovative Applied Engineering
Innovative research on Multi-Robot Planning Under Uncertainty with Inconsistent Beliefs
New Faculty Announcement: Dr. Maxim Freydin, Lecturer
Dr. Freydin's research interests focus on the interaction between fluids and structures at high-speed flows where thermal effects become important.
Three of the faculty’s lecturers were credited with “Excellence in Teaching”
Prof. Emeritus Yaakov Oshman, Dr. Yoav Baumgarten, and Dr. Yuval Levy are among the "Technion Excellent Lecturers"
New Faculty Announcement: Professor Vassilis Theofilis
Professor Theofilis’ research interests lie in the prediction and control of fluid flow instabilities at all speed regimes. In particular, he specializes in the areas of global instability of flows.
Announcing the appointment of the new Dean, Prof. Daniella Raveh
Will implement the faculty's academic programs, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and research, and ensuring continued excellence.
Aerospace Engineering Summer Program 2023
11 students enjoyed three weeks of in-depth research and social events
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Supervises the Combustion and Diagnostics Laboratory in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Get-together evening for the academic and administrative faculty staff
Leisure time with a creative workshop on graffiti and a dinner of Druze food.
Dr. Eliad Peretz received NASA’s Exceptional Achievement Medal
A Technion Aerospace Engineering alumni holds a senior positions at NASA for over a decade
The 62nd Israeli Aerospace Sciences Conference (IACAS) opened with a lecture by the former commander of the Air Force, Major General (Ret.) Amikam Norkin
Turbomachinery Workshop on Advanced Design and Additive Manufacturing of Turbines for Propulsion and Power Generation
Turbomachinery Workshop on Advanced Design and Additive Manufacturing of Turbines for Propulsion and Power Generation
Congratulations! Prof. Gil Iosilevskii promoted to the rank of Full Professor
An impressive scientific career journey - from B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. graduate to a faculty member.
Associate Professor Vitaly Shaferman – A New Faculty Member
Associate Professor Vitaly Shaferman joined the department of aerospace engineering.
Advanced Propulsion Course for IAF Engineers
Air Force engineers from the propulsion branch took part in a course at the Turbomachinery and heat transfer laboratory.
Prof. Tal Shima, Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
The Faculty Council elected Prof. Tal Shima, Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, for an additional two-year term.
The drone that will move the world: from the palm of your hand to surprising distances.
Article by N12 news.
The Minerva Center for Micro Turbine Powered Energy Systems (MTPES)
Five faculty members are among the ISF grant winners for 2021
Graduation Ceremony 2021
Graduation Ceremony 2021. Congratulations to the fresh Aerospace Engineers.
InterPore Israel National Chapter
Prof. Alexandros Terzis is a member of the founding and organizing committee of InterPore – Israel National Chapter.
Master Degree Graduation Ceremony 2021
Master Degree Graduation Ceremony 2021
The Technion and IAI to Collaborate
Gazing Together into Space: The Technion and IAI to Collaborate on Student Project to Develop Nano Satellites
Miel Sharf – Springer Thesis
Dr. Miel Sharf received the “Springer Thesis” award, recognizing excellent Ph.D. theses from around the world across all disciplines.
Prof Daniel Weihs awarded an honorary doctorate from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof Daniel Weihs awarded an honorary doctorate from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
MOU Technion and the University of Stuttgart
The Technion and the University of Stuttgart signed an academic co-operation MOU
MOU Technion and the University of Illinois
The Technion and the University of Illinois signed a collaboration MOU
Best Paper Award
A paper by Prof. Cukurel’s Team Receives the ASME IGTI Best Paper Award
New joint program in Aerospace engineering and Physics
New joint program in Aerospace engineering and Physics
Congratulating IAI CEO Mr. Boaz Levy
Congratulating our graduate, Mr. Boaz Levy, on his appointment as CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI)
Salman Nabwani – Technion’s Outstanding Employee
Salman Nabwani was selected as an Technion's Outstanding Employee
Graduate  students of  – מחזור צ”א
Graduate  Students of   מחזור צ"א

Today, 15.10.20, a number of  ceremonies are being held for the graduates by a few faculties at the Technion.

The graduation ceremony of the Aerospace Eng. Students, מחזור צא' will take place later on physically at the earliest possible time at the Technion faculty.
2020 PhD graduation ceremony
An on-line get together- On Wednesday, 16.9.2020, all of us celebrated the graduation of our new PhD's. The new Doctors, together with their advisors, gathered in a Zoom get-together meeting, where they shared their research achievements and complimented their advisors.
The 2020 Shanghai Ranking
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is ranked 16th in the world in Aerospace Engineering, as determined by the world’s leading index for higher education, the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, published in July 2020.
2018-2019 Excellence Ceremony
On Thursday, 23/1/20, a ceremony to celebrate the faculty’s outstanding students for the 2018-2019 academic year was held in our newly renovated auditorium.
Dr. Michael Karp – a new faculty
Dr. Michael Karp  joined our Faculty as an Assistant Professor starting October 2020.
Maiden Flight of the All 3D-printed Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Testbed
On Friday, May 15th 2020, we successfully flew the all 3D-printed Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Testbed, an experimental aircraft to study and control phenomena related to wing flexibility.
The 2019 Shanghai Ranking: Technion Aerospace Engineering Faculty Ranked #25 Worldwide
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is ranked 25th in the world in Aerospace Engineering and  85th on the list of the world’s top academic institutions, first among all Israeli institutions
The 60th Anniversary of the Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS)
The 60th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences was held March 4-5, 2020, in the shadow of the Corona epidemic in Tel Aviv and the Technion. Carefully following the strict guidelines of the Ministry of Health, released at the end of the first day of the conference, we managed to hold a successful second day at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Additively Manufactured Emergency Turbine Based Ventilator
COVID-19 RESPONSE – In case of emergency, when existing ventilator units become insufficient, Assoc. Prof. Beni Cukurel and his research group aim to bridge the gap with additively manufactured blower ventilators, driven by air pressure.
COROBOT – A Remote-Medicine Robot will Treat Coronavirus Patients
COVID-19 RESPONSE - A group of students and graduates of the FIRST Robotics Program from the Reali School in Haifa, led by Prof. Gil Yudilevitch of the Technion's Aerospace Engineering Faculty, are developing a robotic platform that will be operated remotely by medical teams in hospitals and will reduce the risk of their infection.
Dr. Pavel Galich – a new faculty
Dr. Pavel I. Galich Joined our Faculty as an Assistant Professor in August 1st 2020, after completing his postdoctoral fellowship in Prof. Edwin L. (Ned) Thomas’s group at Rice University (Houston, TX, USA).
Official Opening of the Turbomachinery & Heat Transfer Laboratory
After seven years of construction, the renovated facilities of the Turbomachinery and Heat Transfer Laboratory located at the Jet Engine Building were inaugurated on December 24th, 2019. The lab is a division of Technion’s Turbo and Jet Engine Center, led by Assoc. Prof. Beni Cukurel. The festive event included a speech given by the retiring Dean, Prof. Itzchak Frankel, ribbon cutting ceremony and a tour of the laboratory.
The 2019 Annual Workshop on Advances in Turbomachinery and the 18th Israeli Symposium on Jet Engines and Gas Turbines
On November 26th, 2019, the Aerospace Engineering Faculty hosted the Annual Turbomachinery Workshop. It was followed by the 18th Israeli Jet Engine Symposium, which was held on November 28th.
Symposium in Honor of Prof. Alon Gany’s 75th Birthday
On Nov. 21, 2019, a symposium on the subject of "Advances in Chemical Propulsion" in honor of Prof. Alon Gany’s 75th birthday took place at the Faculty.
Students’ Project “Aeolus – Autonomous Jet UAV” presented at UVID 2019
On Thursday, 7.11.19, we presented the Aeolus - Autonomous Jet UAV Students’ Project with great success at the annual UVID conference at Airport City.
The 2019 Undergraduate Student Project Exhibit
On 26.6.19 students at the faculty presented their projects at a festive event: an aerodynamic kit for a race-car, a swarm of fire-detection quadcopters, a plasma-powered nano-satellite and more.
Call for Candidates for the Meir Hanin International Aerospace Prize
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion announces the Call for Candidates for the Meir Hanin International Aerospace Prize, in memory of the late Prof. Meir Hanin.
2019 B.Sc. Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the students of the class of 2018 on your B.Sc. graduation from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion!
Master Degree Graduation Ceremony 2019
On Tuesday, 11.6.2019, thirty faculty’s Master degree graduates received their diplomas.
Winner of the 2019 Merhav Prize – Liraz Mudrik
The prize commemorating Prof. Shmuel and Noemi Merhav was awarded to Liraz Mudrik in a ceremony held today, June 17, 2019.
A Toast in Honor of the New PhD Graduates, 2019

On Wednesday, 5.6.2019, the faculty celebrated the graduation of its PhD degree students, who received their diplomas earlier that day.

Zirmey Silon Educational Project is 1 year old
The Zirmey Silon Educational Project is 1 year old. To celebrate the occasion, a new web site is launched.
The Future of Aerospace Unveiled at Technion Israel (the 59th IACAS)
The 59th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS) was held in Tel Aviv and the Technion on March 6-7, 2019.
Annual Graduate Studies Research Day 2019
The Annual Graduate Studies Research Day took place on March 27, 2019 at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Joint Purdue – Technion Course on Aero-Thermal Measurement Techniques
A Joint Purdue – Technion Course on Aero-Thermal Measurement Techniques took place on March 9-16, 2019.
Turbomachinery Workshop on Adjoint Based Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification

On November 6th, 2018, a turbomachinery workshop, organized by Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel, was held at the Technion Faculty of Aerospace Engineering for the sixth consecutive year.

TechWomen 2018
The November 2018 TechWomen event took place yesterday, 21/11/18, where high school female students from 11th and 12th grades arrived to the Technion, heard various lectures and visited the faculties.
2018 B.Sc. Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the students of the class of 2017 on your B.Sc. graduation from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion!
Yaron Ben-Ami Became a Fellow of the Israel Academy Adams Program
Yaron Ben-Ami, a PhD student under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Avshalom Manela, has become a Fellow of the Israel Academy Adams Program for 2018-2019.
Uzi & Michal Halevy Award for Innovative Applied Engineering 2018
On Monday, June 12th, 2018, the annual award ceremony for “Uzi & Michal Halevy Award for Innovative Applied Engineering” was held at the Technion - IIT.
Winner of the 2018 Merhav Prize – Shimon Julius
The prize commemorating Prof. Shmuel and Noemi Merhav was awarded to Shimon Julius in a ceremony held today, June 25, 2018.
Master Degree Graduation Ceremony 2018
On Monday, 4.6.18, twenty two faculty’s Master degree graduates received their diplomas.
A toast in honor of the new PhD graduates, 2018
On Monday, 28.5.18, the faculty celebrated the graduation of its PhD students, who received their diplomas later that day.
The 2017 “Gvahim” Excellence Program Ceremony
The 2017 annual ceremony for the “Gvahim” Excellence Program, promoting excellence among the top undergraduate students in the faculty was held on 8.5.18.
תעופה, חלל, רפואה ואבטחת סייבר בכנס הישראלי השנתי ה-58 למדעי התעופה והחלל
The 58th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences took place on 14-15/3/18, featuring seven Plenary Lectures from renowned experts worldwide, ~120 technical papers, Industrial Projects, a panel and more...
Joint Technion – Purdue Course on Aero-Thermal Measurement Techniques
Between the 11th and 15th of March 2018, the Aerospace Engineering Faculty of Technion - IIT hosted a group of undergraduate students from Purdue University School of Mechanical Engineering.
Israeli Pride: Technion to Launch First Autonomous Nanosatellite Formation into Space in 2018
Technion and the Israel Space Agency announced that in late 2018, a group of three nanosatellites, which will fly in controlled formation, will be launched for the first time into space.
Winner of the 2017 Merhav Prize – Dr. Maital Levy
The prize commemorating Prof. Shmuel and Noemi Merhav was awarded to Dr. Maital Levy in a ceremony held on October 23, 2017.
Workshop on Advances in Aerodynamic Design of Turbines and Mixed Flow Compressors
On November 7th, 2017, a turbomachinery workshop organized by Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel was held at the Technion Faculty of Aerospace Engineering for the fifth consecutive year.
ANPL Dedication Ceremony, 24.10.17
The Autonomous Navigation and Perception Laboratory (ANPL) dedication ceremony was held on October 24, 2017.
2017 B.Sc. Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the students of class 2017 on your B.Sc. graduation from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering!
Shahar Wollmark, M.Sc. student, won the 2017 Gemunder Prize for ​Space Defense Related Technologies
Shahar Wollmark, M.Sc. student under the supervision of Dr. Yinon Yavor and Prof. Em. Alon Gany, won the 2017 Gemunder Prize for Space Defense Related Technologies.
David Castaneda, a Master’s Student at the Faculty, Winner of the Best Student Paper in Propulsion Award at the 2017 European Conference on Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS)
David Castaneda (MSc student) received the award for the best student paper in Propulsion at the 2017 European Conference on Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS).
The 2017 Shanghai Ranking: Technion Aeronautical Engineering Faculty Ranked #8 Worldwide
The 2017 Shanghai Ranking: Technion Aeronautical Engineering Faculty Ranked #8 Worldwide.
A Special Reveal of the Formula Student Technion 2017 Project
On June 27, 2017 we held a special event for the Formula Student Technion 2017 Project at our faculty.
Annual Graduate Studies Research Day 2017
The Annual Graduate Studies Research Day took place on April 19, 2017 at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Prizes were awarded on June 14, 2017.
Master Degree Graduation Ceremony
On June 5, 2017, the graduation ceremony for the new Aerospace Engineering Master degree graduates was held at the Faculty.
AUVSI Team Wins 3rd Place
Congratulations to the AUVSI Project Team for winning 3rd place in the international competition!
AUVSI Project Team on its way to the USA for the international competition
The TAS (Technion Aerial Systems) team is on its way to the USA to take part in the AUVSI SUAS competition, which will take place on June 15-18, 2017.
A toast in honor of the new PhD graduates
On Monday, 29.5.17, the faculty celebrated the graduation of its PhD students, who received their diplomas later that day.
A New Book on Creativity and Innovation, by Distinguished Prof. Daniel Weihs and Professor Dae Shik Kim
A new book on creativity and innovation, by Distinguished Prof. Daniel Weihs and Professor Dae Shik Kim, was recently published in Korean.
The 57th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS) took place on March 15-16, 2017 in Tel Aviv and at the Technion
Over 500 engineers, scientists, and experts from Israel and abroad participated in the 57th IACAS, the main event in the aerospace field in Israel.
The Faculty’s 1st Annual Concert
The Faculty’s 1st annual concert took place on March 29, 2017. This concert was an initiative of Asst. Prof. Avshalom Manela and faculty members, students and employees all participated.
Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel receives Henri Gutwirth Prize for Promotion of Excellence in Research
Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel was awarded “Henri Gutwirth Prize for Promotion of Excellence in Research” on his research associated with “Acoustic Resonance Enhanced Heat Exchangers”.
ASSURE affiliate member Sinclair College visits the Faculty
ASSURE affiliate member Sinclair Community College toured the Faculty on March 27, 2017.
Aeronautics in the Community
Exciting activities were held during the Hanukkah break at the “Imbar” after-school child care facility situated in the Hadar neighborhood in Haifa.
“Aero in the Valley” Program
The “Aero in the Valley” program was launched on January 17, 2017 at the WIZO Nahalal Youth Village.
The Faculty Joined the FAA Center of Excellence ASSURE
The Technion's Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is now an affiliate member of the FAA's Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems research, ASSURE.
Excellence Programs “Brakim” and “Silon” Exposure Conference
An exposure conference for the elite programs “Brakim” and “Silon” took place on January 3, 2017 for selected military service candidates.
“ZRAKOR Day” of the Israel Aerospace Industries at the faculty
The IAI “ZRAKOR Day” was held at the Faculty during the Wednesday Noon break and featured a lecture and a quiz.
The 2016 “Gvahim” Excellence Program Ceremony
The annual ceremony for the “Gvahim” Excellence Program, promoting excellence among the top undergraduate students in the faculty was held on 4.12.2016.
Media Exposure for The Faculty’s Medical Glider Undergraduate Students’ Project
The Faculty's undergraduate students' project The Medical Glider received its first media exposure.
Students launched a rocket as part of the Rocket Propulsion course
Students launched a rocket as part of the Rocket Propulsion course.
The 2016 Timnat Prize Awardee
Gershon Kats received the 2016 Prize in Memory of the late Professor Yaakov Timnat for his PhD research work.
2016 Winter Semester Opening Gathering for Graduates
To mark the opening of the Winter Semester, a gathering was held on Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, for the faculty graduate students.
AUVSI 2016 Project Conclusion and Presentation Event
On Thursday, November 10, 2016, the Faculty hosted the AUVSI 2016 Project Conclusion and Presentation Event.
Workshop on Advances in Micro Gas Turbine Cycle Modelling and Turbine Hot Section Design Practices
On November 15th 2016, for the fourth consecutive year, a turbomachinery workshop organized by Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel was held at the Technion Aerospace Department.
Shani Elitzur Gave a Plenary Lecture at Alpbach Technology Symposium, Austria
Shani Elitzur gave a Plenary Lecture at the Alpbach Technology Symposium, which took place in Alpbach, Austria, on August 25-27, 2016.
New Springer book, by Prof. Pini Gurfil, unifies sciences of celestial mechanics and astrodynamics
New Springer book, by Prof. Pini Gurfil, unifies sciences of celestial mechanics and astrodynamics
Prof. Benny Natan and coauthors win AIAA – Propellants and Combustion Best Paper Award
Prof. Benny Natan and coauthors win AIAA - Propellants and Combustion Best Paper Award
Outstanding Contribution Award was given to Distinguished Professor Emeritus Daniel Weihs by the International Society of Bionic Engineering
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Daniel Weihs was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award by the International Society of Bionic Engineering
The Wind Tunnel Complex Control Room will be upgraded thanks to the generous gift from Ms. Leesa Steinberg
The Wind Tunnel Complex Control Room will be upgraded thanks to the generous gift from Ms. Leesa Steinberg.
Technion placed 4th in the 14th AUVSI Student UAS Competition 2016 in the U.S.A.
The Technion was placed 4th in the 14th AUVSI International Student UAS Competition for developing and flying an autonomous aero-system.
The International Space University is arriving in Israel for the first time
The International Space University's upcoming Space Studies Program (SSP16) is arriving in Israel for the first time and will be convened at the Technion, starting July 2016.
Design Project Reviews – Spring Semester 2015/2016
The Spring semester Critical Design Reviews (CDR) were presented as part of the "Design Project" course led by Associate Professor Gil Yudilevitch.
B.Sc. Graduation 2016
Congratulations to the students of class 2016 on your graduation from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Winner of the 2016 Merhav Prize – Pavel Galich
The prize commemorating Prof. Shmuel and Noemi Merhav was awarded on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, to Mr. Pavel Galich, a PhD student, conducting his research under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Stephan Rudykh.
Master Degree Graduation Ceremony
On June 13, 2016, the graduation ceremony for the new Aerospace Engineering Master degree graduates was held at the Faculty.
The Annual Faculty Picnic at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
The Annual Faculty Picnic of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, organized by the student committee, took place on June 1st, 2016.
Dr. Oksana Stalnov – a new faculty

Dr. Oksana Stalnov joined the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering as Assistant Professor in October 2015. She was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Airbus Noise Technology Centre, University of Southampton, UK.

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering wins big at the 2nd Plus500 Techion Race
35 runners from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering participated in the 2nd Plus500 Technion Race and won 3 medals!
Prizes Awarded to Faculty and Students at the 56th IACAS
Faculty members and students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering were recognized and awarded prizes during the 56th IACAS.
Annual Graduate Studies Research Day 2016
The Annual Graduate Studies Research Day took place on April 13, 2016 at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Ofir Akunis, Minister of Science, Technology and Space, visited the Asher Space Research Institute (ASRI) and met with Prof. Pini Gurfil

Ofir Akunis, Minister of Science, Technology and Space, visited Asher Space Research Institute (ASRI) and met with Prof. Pini Gurfil

EUROAVIA Takes to the Sky!

The Israeli chapter of EUROAVIA organized an introductory glider flight at the Megiddo Airport.

AUVSI-2015 Project Conclusion and Presentation Event and Participation of the AUVSI-2015 Project Team at UVID/AUVSI
On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 the faculty hosted the AUVSI-2015 Project Summary Seminar. The AUVSI project team from last year and this year participated in UVID/AUVSI on November 9, 2015.
Shani Elitzur won third place in the international Falling Walls Lab competition
Shani Elitzur won third place in the international Falling Walls Lab competition.
Turbomachinery Workshop on Advances in Multidisciplinary Turbomachinery Design Optimization & Combustion for Micro Gas Turbines
On November 3, 2015, for the third consecutive year, a turbomachinery workshop, organized by Asst. Prof. Beni Cukurel, was held at the faculty.
“Gvahim” Excellence Program Ceremony
The annual ceremony for the “Gvahim” Excellence Program was held on October 21, 2015.
Shani Elitzur won first place in Falling Walls Lab Israel

Shani Elitzur won first place in the Falling Walls Lab Israel competition.

Seminar on “Analysis, Design and Manufacturing of Propellers and Rotors from Composite Materials”

On 6.8.15, the faculty hosted a seminar on propellers and rotors, led by the Department of Aeronautical Sciences (MoD).

Shani Elitzur has been awarded the Rieger Foundation (USA) Fellowship for 2015-2016
Shani Elitzur has been awarded the Rieger Foundation (USA) Fellowship for 2015-2016.
Technion Touch President’s Report Features Aerospace Research
The 2015 President's report, "The Technion Touch", features research from Assoc. Prof. Gurfil and Asst. Prof. Rudykh.
“InnovNation” Students from over 20 Countries Worldwide Visited the Faculty

"InnovNation" Students from over 20 Countries Worldwide Visited the Faculty.

Seminar for Aerospace Teachers
On June 30, 2015, the faculty held a seminar for 20 teachers from all over the country that teach Aerospace related subjects in Israeli high schools.
B.Sc. Graduation 2015
Congratulations to the students of class of 2015 on their graduation from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Students placed second in the 13th Annual Student Unmanned Air Systems (SUAS) Competition
Technion Aerospace and Electrical Engineering students placed second in the Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI) competition.
Ohad Ben-Yaacov Wins 2nd Prize for a Paper Presented in the International Workshop on Satellite Constellations

Ohad Ben-Yaacov Won 2nd Prize for a Paper Presented at the International Workshop on Satellite Constellations.

A Chinese Delegation of Entrepreneurs Visited the Wind Tunnel Complex
A Chinese Delegation of Entrepreneurs Visited the Wind Tunnel Complex.
Assoc. Prof. Pini Gurfil was featured in a Jerusalem Report story on the SAMSON satellite mission
Assoc. Prof. Pini Gurfil was featured in a Jerusalem Report story on the SAMSON satellite mission.
DG Eclipse Computer, developed in Aerospace Department, donated to MadaTech museum
The DG Eclipse Computer, developed in the Aerospace Department, was donated to the MadaTech museum.
Department trip Jaffo
On 07.05.2015, faculty members, staff, and graduate students visited Tel-Aviv – Jaffa for the annual faculty trip.
Golda (Evgenia) Kishilev was awarded the Technion Excellence Prize for external graduate students
Golda (Evgenia) Kishilev was awarded the Technion Excellence Prize for external graduate students.
Distinguished Emeritus Professor Daniel Weihs received the Toren prize

Distinguished Emeritus Professor Daniel Weihs received the Toren prize awarded by the Ministry of Defense.

Alice Miller, an aerospace faculty alumni, was one of 14 Israelis given the honor of lighting a torch during the opening ceremonies for Independence Day at Mt. Herzel
Alice Miller, an aerospace faculty alumni, was one of 14 Israelis given the honor of lighting a torch during the opening ceremonies for Independence Day.
Shani Elitzur wins First Prize and Audience Favorite at EcoMotion Conference

Shani Elitzur won 1st Prize and the Audience Favorite at the EcoMotion Conference in Tel-Aviv.

“Open Day” 2015
The "Open Day" for graduate studies was held on April 2nd.  Prizes were awarded to the best posters by a PhD student, a Masters student, and the crowd favorite.
Prof. Benny Natan has won the Hershel Rich Innovation Award.
Prof. Benny Natan has won the Hershel Rich Innovation Award, awarded by the Technion for works with the potential of profit or royalties.
Asst. Prof. Stephan Rudykh’s research was recently highlighted in the Technion’s newsletter
Asst. Prof. Stephan Rudykh’s research was recently highlighted in the Technion newsletter.
The 55th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS) took place on February 25-26, 2015
The 55th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS) took place on February 25-26, 2015.
Students and Faculty Members were well represented in the awards ceremony at the 55th Israeli Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS)
Students and Faculty Members were well represented in the awards ceremony at the 55th Israeli Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS).
Prof. Dan Givoli Received the Yanai Prize for Excellence in Academic Education Description
Prof. Dan Givoli received the Yanai Prize for Excellence in Academic Education at the Technion award ceremony held on February 17, 2015.
Prospective students learn about Aerospace Engineering at the Technion Open House
Many prospective students to the Technion visited the Aerospace Engineering Faculty during the Technion Open House that took place on February 19th.
Just Published by Springer Publishing Co.: “Advances on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control – Selected Papers of the Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack Memorial Symposium on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control”
Just Published by Springer: Advances on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control -- Selected Papers of the Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack Memorial Symposium...
Michael Karp, currently a Ph.D. student in the Aerospace department, has won the excellence prize from the Wolf Foundation.
Michael Karp, currently a Ph.D. student in the Aerospace department, has won the excellence prize from the Wolf Foundation.
Excellence Ceremony 2015
On Thursday 22/1/15 the department held a ceremony in which students received awards for excellence in studies and in research.
Technion’s SAMSON nanosatellite project, led by Prof. Gurfil, was featured in The Marker on occasion of the Israeli Space Week
Technion's SAMSON nanosatellite project, led by Prof. Pini Gurfil, was featured in The Marker as part of their coverage of the Israeli Space Week.

Prof. Pini Gurfil Appointed Head of the Asher Space Research Institute

Technion President, Prof. Peretz Lavie, has appointed Prof. Gurfil to head the Asher Space Research Institute (ASRI) as of January 1st, 2015.

1964 Reunion
On 29 October, 2014 the Technion held a reunion of the 1964 class of Aeronautical Engineering (as the department used to be called then) graduates.
Turbomachinery Workshop on Advances in Radial Compressor Aerodynamics and Gas Turbine Aeroelasticity

For the second consecutive year, a turbomachinery workshop was held by the Aerospace Eng. department, organized by Dr. Beni Cukurel.

Controls Education Laboratory
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering join efforts to establish a new Control Education Laboratory.
Prof. Dan Givoli has won The Yanai Award for Excellence in Academic Education for 2014.
Prof. Dan Givoli has won The Yanai Award for Excellence in Academic Education for 2014.
Mr. Alon Weiss (M.Sc. student) won the Best Paper by Young Author award in the 28-ISB
Mr.  Alon Weiss (M.Sc. student) won the Best Paper by Young Author award in the 28th International Symposium on Ballistics (28-ISB), Atlanta, USA, September 22-26, 2014.
AUVSI’s ‘Grey Owl’ System participates in the UVID Conference 2014
The students of Grade I, the 1st year participants of the international AUVSI, presented the GREY OWL System in the UVID Conference for Unmanned Vehicles on 17/09/14, and won an academic award.
Mr. Joel Feldsho, former CEO of El Al, was elected as the next head of the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel
The dean of the department of Aerospace Engineering served as a member of the search committee for the new head of the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel.
Dr. Igal Kronhaus
Dr. Igal Kronhaus joined our department as Assistant Professor  in October 2014. He was a post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Bundeswehr University, Munich, Germany.
The AUVSI students team wins 5th place in the Annual Student Unmanned Air Systems (SUAS) Competition.

The department's AUVSI students team has won the honorable 5th place in the Annual Student Unmanned Air Systems (SUAS) Competition.

Shani Elitzur, a Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband, won the double honor of 2nd Prize and the Audience Favorite in the student competition Challenge 2014.

Ms. Shani Elitzur, a Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband, won the double honor of 2nd Prize and the Audience Favorite in the student competition Challenge 2014 for solutions to reduce the use of petroleum in transportation held during EcoMotion Conference in Sdot-Yam on May 22-23, 2014.

Best Paper Awards at 10-ISICP International Propulsion Conference

A paper by Dan Michaels and Alon Gany, and a poster by Arza Hadad, Dan Grinstein and Benveniste Natan both won 1st awards in the 10th International Symposium on Special Problems in Chemical Propulsion (10-ISICP), Poitiers, France, June 2-6, 2014.

Autonomous Aerodynamic Floating Flap to Reduce Vibrations

Prof. Moti Karpel and researchers from the Technical University of Delft developed an autonomous flap for reducing vibrations of flight vehicles.

Ms. Sonya Tiomkin, a Ph.D. student at the department, won the ZONTA International Amelia Earhart Fellowship

Ms. Sonya Tiomkin, a Ph.D. student at the department, won the ZONTA International Amelia Earhart Fellowship for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Dr. Ian Jacobi – a new faculty

Dr. Ian Jacobi, who officially joined us in 2012, returned in October 2014 from a two-year postdoctoral research period in Princeton.

Dr. Stephan Rudykh – a new faculty

Dr. Stephan Rudykh is joining our Faculty as Assistant Professor. He is currently a postdoctoral scholar in MIT.

Dr. Vadim Indelman – a new faculty

Dr. Vadim Indelman is joining our Faculty as Assistant Professor. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Georgia-Tech.

The Minerva Center of “Advanced Micro Gas Turbines Technologies towards Distributed Power Generation”

The Minerva Center of “Advanced Micro Gas Turbines Technologies towards Distributed Power Generation” was endowed to the Turbo & Jet Engine Laboratory.

Aluminum and Water Propulsion
Ph.D. student Shani Elitzur, Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband demonstrated the use of  aluminum and water generate power.
The US National Academy of Engineering
Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany was appointed as Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering.
ADELIS – SAMSON: Technion’s Satellite Formation Flight Mission
ADELIS – SAMSON: Technion’s Satellite Formation Flight Mission
The Grey Owl system is on its way
The Grey Owl autonomous flying system, designed by a team of undergraduate students, to compete in the annual AUVSI competition in the US.
Touching the Sky – First Aerospace Engineering Women’s Day
About one hundred and fifty high school pupils visited the faculty of Aerospace Engineering in the Technion, as part of a special women's day.
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